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Month: February, 2018

Why Do Most People Lie About Their Milf Hook Up Experiences?

The funny thing about the typical milf hook up story is that it’s 90% bullshit. The only thing that’s probably true is the guy sent an email and that’s pretty much it. You probably know what I’m talking about because if you’re in any workplace in the United States and there’s a bunch of guys talking, you can bet that the discussion is eventually going to lead to pussy.

Guys love to talk a big game about pussy. In fact, it’s hard to find a dude who doesn’t spin tall tales when it comes to his ability to hook up with the ladies. Maybe this is just hardwired into our genes. Maybe we are just genetically predisposed to this kind of lying, but that’s the bottom line. And one of the most common topics that guys lie about when it comes to their sexual exploits is the topic of a milf hook up.

I can understand why guys get all worked up about the milf hook up fantasy because a lot of American mass culture glamorizes sex with older women. If you’re a younger guy having sex with an older woman, it feels somewhat taboo. It feels somewhat forbidden because it edges really close to you having sex with your biological mother. Do you see how that works? Do you see how delicious that seems to some people?

There’s a bit of the forbidden fruit there somewhere and, unfortunately, a lot of that informs how guys talk about the typical milf hook up. Sadly, there’s a lot more smoke than light. A lot of it is just flat out bullshit. If you want to know why people lie about it, then you know now. It really all boils down to media images and expectations of what other people think you should be saying.